
From linear to circular

Taking the mining industry from linear to circular

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Water management is a critical component in the operation of a mine, as water is used in extraction processes, transporting materials and local precipitation events, among other activities. Hence, the mining sector is an important water consumer in Europe, representing 7% of total discharges in this region.

In this context, Remine Water aims to improve and minimise mining wastewater discharges, reuse the maximum amount of water and reappraise the by-products contained in wastewater, such as chemicals and metals, among other solids, so that they can be used again.

Additionally, most wastewater treatment trains in operation today use technologies that require a vast amount of energy and lead to a larger carbon footprint. The innovative treatment train developed by Remine Water will be powered by solar thermal energy, thereby minimising the environmental impact of the process and achieving a more sustainable and economic process.

Conventional workflow - Mining wastewater discharge

The mining sector is an important water consumer in Europe, as water is a critical component in the operation of a mine. In spite of the improvement in wastewater treatment processes and the implementation of partial reuse of inner water flows to reduce the water footprint, water is still discharged after ensuring its quality and dissolved metals are removed through precipitation as sludge for further management as waste.

Remine Water workflow – Recover and reuse

Remine Water will develop a pioneering treatment train for wastewater recovery and reuse in the mining sector. This innovative system will be powered by solar thermal energy, thus reducing its carbon footprint and achieving a more environmental and economic process. Moreover, Remine Water will develop a treatment train to recover minerals, acids and transition metals from mining industry process streams, which will be reintegrated in the processes.